It seems improbable, but we have a recipe for you that manages to honor both St. Patrick's Day and the Persian New Year celebration of Nowruz. An unlikely needle to thread, but we present you with the greenest green frittata, an homage to the Persian herb-packed egg dish, Kuku Sabzi.
1 large bunch cilantro
1 large bunch Italian parsley
1 small bunch of fresh dill
2 packed cups of spinach
2 packed cups of baby kale
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
8 eggs
1 large leek, roots and tops trimmed, chopped
2 large zucchini, sliced into ¼" rounds
¼ cup currants
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
½ teaspoon cumin seeds
3 tablespoons olive oil
Fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 350F
Toss the slices of zucchini in a little olive oil and lay in a single layer of a baking tray and place in the oven until browned and tender (about 20 minutes, flipping halfway through). Remove from oven and allow to come to room temp.
In a medium cast iron pan, add a glug of olive oil and the chopped leek and sauté until softened and lightly browned. Arrest heat and allow to cool to room temp.
In a large food processor or blender add the spinach, kale, herbs, turmeric, a big pinch of sea salt and several grinds of black pepper, and the eggs and blend on high until smooth and uniformly green.
Mix the green egg mixture with the leek, cumin seeds and currants, and fold in the zucchini slices, reserving a handful to lay on the top of the frittata (if desired).
Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a clean 10.5" cast iron pan. Pour in the green-egg mixture, nestle the zucchini slices on top and place in the oven.
Cook for approximately 40 minutes, or until it is set and not at all jiggly or wet in the center.
Allow to cool slightly, run a knife around the perimeter and use a spatula to loosen the bottom. Invert onto a plate and then again onto another. Allow to sit for ten minutes, slice and serve.