This week we caught up with Zach Pinerio the Chappaquiddick-based woodworker behind our hand-turned Salad Bowl and our celebration-sized Gathering Bowl.
Permanent Collection: Do you have a so-called 'permanent collection' possession—something that you especially love or depend on?
Zach Pinerio: If I didn’t have a wood shop I’d probably fish and bike all day, to be honest. I use my bike to travel around the island and my time on it most mornings allows me to clear out my head and stay focused on what’s important in my day to day. My fishing rod provides food, but also gives me an excuse to be on the beach at all hours of the day and night.
P.C.: Do you have a current creative obsession or something you're especially devoted to?
Z.P.: I’m currently obsessed with creating some type of light made from wood. When I’m thinking about something new to make I keep going back to some type of pendant lamp or a table top oil lamp with a wick. It most likely will have some glass incorporated, but I haven’t figured out all the details yet.
P.C.: Sounds beautiful! We'll stay tuned... Can you share a source of creative inspiration?
Z.P: Most of my inspiration comes from the natural world. I find I have a lot of great ideas when I’ve been riding my bike through the woods for a while and have completely checked out from my everyday habits.
Photos beneath the jump by Nathan Zack